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Tag: wrap up

Witchy Wrap-up: Virtual Sex Down South ’20

Witchy Wrap-up: Virtual Sex Down South ’20

It is about this time of year that I would normally be writing about my conference experiences. But with the pandemic keeping us from gathering, they were all canceled in person. But I was lucky enough to attend the Sex Down South conference for the first time virtually. This year’s theme was focused on Sexuality and Spirituality, so my pull to go was strong. Not only did I learn a lot from the workshops that I attended, both during the…

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Favorite Blog Posts of 2019

Favorite Blog Posts of 2019

By the end of this year, I have written almost 50 posts. Which total about thirty thousand words. It has been an interesting mix of guides, reviews, personal posts, and so much more. So I narrowed down some of my favorites that I really want to spotlight from this last year. Favorite Review This one was so fun to write! I really enjoyed taking a different route on how I presented this particular review. Using a more story-driven kind of…

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Favorite Bloggers of 2019

Favorite Bloggers of 2019

Every year we gain and lose bloggers in our little sphere of the internet. I try to keep up with as many amazing bloggers as I can. From new bloggers to established ones, I love reading all the wonderful words we weave. This is a small list of those that have brightened my various timelines with their words. Wendy/The Wench Works Wendy is a newer blogger, after taking a break has returned this year. Her posts are some wonderful hot…

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Woodhull SFS ’19: Witchy Wrap-Up

Woodhull SFS ’19: Witchy Wrap-Up

Once again, I was delighted when I was able to attend the Woodhull Sexual Freedom Summit like I did last year. While I felt that my first year was a whirlwind of activity, this year was a little more subdued. Having learned some lessons from my previous attendance. The first being rooming with another blogger. I was very lucky to have the company of Indigo, who runs the blog Indigo is an Adult. This year I was lucky to have…

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Woodhull Sexual Freedom Summit 2018: A Witchy Wrap Up

Woodhull Sexual Freedom Summit 2018: A Witchy Wrap Up

In August of 2017, I was sitting on the couch. The house next door not yet torn down. To ignore the sounds of the creaking and the lingering smell of burnt wood. I was diving head first into the Woodhull Sexual Freedom Summit hashtag. Following workshops that my fellow bloggers were attending. Sharing quotes and drama with my housemates. I remember at one point someone saying ‘So you are going to go next year, right?‘. Even then, I wasn’t sure. Fast…

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