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Tag: masturbation

Making Your Own Orgasmic Full Moon Ritual

Making Your Own Orgasmic Full Moon Ritual

When it comes to my craft, sexuality and masturbation are always mixed in with them. I have written about how important a connection my pleasure and spirituality are. One of the times I bring them together is during the full moon. A time when there is a lot of power to put towards intentions. With this post, it is my hope to help you be able to put together your own rituals. That will revolve around using sex and pleasure…

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Masturbation and Witchcraft

Masturbation and Witchcraft

Sometimes I masturbate for fun. Sometimes it is for stress relief. Every time it is to bring me pleasure. But then there are the occasions in which it is more than that. It is spiritual. It is a way for me to connect with my beliefs. Connecting my pleasure and my spirituality as allowed me to connect with it in deeper ways. Even finding how to really connect it into the witchcraft I work. Something Witchy This Way Comes A…

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Finding Pleasure After Non-Sexual Trauma

Finding Pleasure After Non-Sexual Trauma

CW: There are actual pictures of damage from the fire, both my own house and the house next door in this blog post past the read more. Also, talk of PTSD and of course Trauma.  Things that cause us trauma can happen at any time, we don’t really know when they are going to hit. And while it might have not been sexual trauma, it can still affect how we process and find pleasure. However taking back that pleasure afterward,…

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Freedom of Masturbation: What Self Pleasure Gave Back To Me

Freedom of Masturbation: What Self Pleasure Gave Back To Me

With May being National Masturbation Month, of course, that is what many a sex bloggers mind is on. Mine is no different. Though I found myself thinking less about the act itself, not about how I do it. Instead, I found myself focusing on my new found freedom when it came to masturbation. A sort of liberation I am currently going through sexually when it comes to self-pleasure. To move forward we have to look back For as long as…

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