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Tag: share our shit

Share Our Shit Saturday – Summer 100 Week Two

Share Our Shit Saturday – Summer 100 Week Two

The second week of the first round, I was excited for what I was able to write. Though even more excited for what I was going to get to read. This round I found new bloggers who I am now following as well as things from a few of my favorites! From the start of a story to a tale of waxing, it runs an interesting gamutĀ of reading. A Thirst For Knowledge Pt 1 – E.T Costello This is the…

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Share Our Shit Saturday – Summer 100 Week One

Share Our Shit Saturday – Summer 100 Week One

I have always loved the idea of weekly roundups, there is so much fantastic content written by so many wonderful bloggers. Brining Share Our Shit Saturdays back to my blog was one of the answers The next few weeks are going to feature some of my favorite posts written by the participants of the Summer 100 challengeĀ that Victora of Pretty Pink Lotus Bud and Isabelle Lauren are running this year. These are highlights of the ones that really caught me…

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