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Tag: relationships

Date Ideas to Reignite the Spark in Your Relationship

Date Ideas to Reignite the Spark in Your Relationship

Relationships, like gardens, need nurturing to bloom continuously. Over time, it’s easy to fall into routines and let the excitement fade. But with a bit of creativity and thoughtfulness, you can reignite the spark and deepen your connection. Here are six date ideas to help you and your partner reconnect and create lasting memories.

For the Love of Monsters – Monster Fucking and Relationships

For the Love of Monsters – Monster Fucking and Relationships

Monster fucking has been around for quite some time, but really only now does it have such a spotlight shined upon it in more mainstream media. From erotic romance novels to popular movie titles, one can learn a lot about relationships in the monster fucker genre. I am, by far, not the first blogger to write about it. If you have seen the small batch dildo makers on the market, most of them have at least one or two monster…

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Polyam Journey: Finding My Superpower

Polyam Journey: Finding My Superpower

Almost two years ago, I was interviewed by Poly Role Models after getting to meet Kevin Patterson at my first Woodhull. Having been a follower of these interviews with others in the Polyamory community, I was honored to be on the list. It was through this interview, that I found my superpower when it comes to polyamorous relationships. One of the questions that gave me pause to think, was ‘What aspect of polyamory do you excel at?‘. My personal answer…

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Rituals and Routine

Rituals and Routine

Standing in the kitchen, I watch as tea swirls in a burgundy cup. Having just added honey with a hint of sugar, I wait. As it slows I add just a bit of cream turning the dark liquid a soft tan. These few moments allow me to get a few breaths and ground myself. Though the tea isn’t for me, it is for Sir. It is one of the few rituals we have within our power dynamic that is consistent….

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Late Night Rambling: Unconventional Communication

Late Night Rambling: Unconventional Communication

Every night before I go to bed, I lay there with my eyes dozing on and off to the light of my phone. My fingers slipping over the screen as I write what comes to mind. I ramble on as I let the background thoughts flow into the chat box. Once those thoughts stop moving so quickly I know that I can finally rest. Sending off my good nights before finally attempting sleep. The person who gets those late night rambles…

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Rocky Relationship With My Body

Rocky Relationship With My Body

Content Warning: Shaming of body and sexuality. Abusive relationships and language used during the relationship.  Through the years, the relationship that I have had with my body has been a rocky one. From my childhood until now, I have struggled with my weight and looks. It is only been recently that I have been taking the leap to really start to love my body. I started to think about where it started, how it affected me, and the changes I…

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