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Tag: sexual freedom

Woodhull SFS ’19: Witchy Wrap-Up

Woodhull SFS ’19: Witchy Wrap-Up

Once again, I was delighted when I was able to attend the Woodhull Sexual Freedom Summit like I did last year. While I felt that my first year was a whirlwind of activity, this year was a little more subdued. Having learned some lessons from my previous attendance. The first being rooming with another blogger. I was very lucky to have the company of Indigo, who runs the blog Indigo is an Adult. This year I was lucky to have…

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Woodhull Sexual Freedom Summit 2018: A Witchy Wrap Up

Woodhull Sexual Freedom Summit 2018: A Witchy Wrap Up

In August of 2017, I was sitting on the couch. The house next door not yet torn down. To ignore the sounds of the creaking and the lingering smell of burnt wood. I was diving head first into the Woodhull Sexual Freedom Summit hashtag. Following workshops that my fellow bloggers were attending. Sharing quotes and drama with my housemates. I remember at one point someone saying ‘So you are going to go next year, right?‘. Even then, I wasn’t sure. Fast…

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